The Best Stoicism Podcasts

If you're an avid podcast listener and a student of the Stoics, you're probably always on the look out for good Stoicism podcasts to plug into. If you're not familiar with them, podcasts are a great way to absorb information when reading isn't convenient. That could be while driving, while…


Poor Are Those Who Need Too Much

In his Consolation to Helvia, Seneca The Younger posits the following: “Is it not madness and the wildest lunacy to desire so much when you can hold so little?” He goes on to say how unwise it is “to think that it is the amount of money and not the…


Would You Choose Water Over Wine?

Recently I heard a song that I hadn’t listened to in years. I make the distinction between heard and listened because this time the song moved me in a way it never did before. It’s easy to listen to something without really processing it, it’s more difficult to hear it…


A Simple Four Step Approach To Journaling

The Stoics were avid writers, often for no other purpose than collecting and reviewing their own thoughts. In fact, Marcus Aurelius' best-known work, Meditations, was a series of his own notes and never intended to be read by anyone else. Epictetus and Seneca also recommended regular journaling to their students…