What’s Next For What Is Stoicism?

For a while I have been considering what’s next for What Is Stoicism? 

I started the blog and most of the associated social media channels just over four years ago and have loved creating Stoic content and interacting with fellow Stoics.

Although I discovered Stoicism a while before I created the blog, What Is Stoicism? has helped me learn a lot more about the philosophy than I would have done without it.

I am extremely grateful to have received follows, email subscriptions and positive comments, indicating that a small set of people enjoy what I do.

After gathering some feedback, I recently came to a conclusion about what to create next.

The What Is Stoicism? Podcast

Having wanted to do so for a while, I took the step and launched the What Is Stoicism? Podcast!

My intention with the podcast is to create a small variety of different types of episode (at least initially) before figuring out which types to focus on based on feedback.

Current ideas for different types of episode are:

  • Short, practical Stoic reflections
  • Interviews
  • Exercises
  • Relaxation tracks featuring Stoic passages
  • Guided meditations

The What Is Stoicism? Podcast is the audio companion to all the other types of content you’ll find on the website and on social media.

As with everything else, it seeks to use Stoic philosophy to help you (and me): LEARN from the past, PLAN for the future, LIVE in the present.

Check out the latest episodes below or access via Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon or Acast!

Thank You!

If you’d like to offer feedback on the podcast content, please feel free – I’m happy to accept ideas.

Once again, thank you for your support.

Whether it’s listening to and sharing the podcast or simply continuing to interact with the blog and social media content, it’s all appreciated!