Give Yourself Permission To Practice Philosophy

One of the best TED Talks I’ve ever seen was by the actor Ethan Hawke. It’s called “Give yourself permission to be creative” and it’s all about the importance of expressing yourself and doing what you love. It doesn’t have the traditional TED feel due to the absence of a…


A Stoic Response to Being Judged

It’s likely that today you’ll be judged in some form. Other people will have their say on your actions. It’s natural human behavior: we all rely on our reasoning skills, experience, and principles to determine whether we approve or disapprove of what others are doing. That point is worth remembering…


Why Your Insignificance Isn’t A Bad Thing

We're so close to the stories we tell ourselves about our own lives that we often can't see beyond them. If you're like me, you've probably faced a problem that seemed to be the most important problem that anyone on the planet was facing at that time. You're so embedded…


Being Stoic is a Refined Kind of Selfishness

If you’re anything like me, socializing can sometimes feel like the last thing you want to do. Maybe yesterday was littered with frustrating interactions or you know you’re going to bump into a difficult personality this afternoon. Whether today is one of those days or not, Seneca gave us good…


Here’s Why a Dog is a True Philosopher

One of the few social media accounts I check every day is that of Niall Harbison (​Instagram​ / ​Twitter​ / Substack). Originally from Ireland, Niall now lives in Thailand where he feeds and rescues street dogs. His mission is to save 10,000 dogs a month as he tries to scale…


Stoic Protection From the Dangers of Desire

Desire has a reliable way of making us view our lives through the lens of what we don’t have. This lens obscures from our sight the many blessings we already have and puts us into a discontented state of ungratefulness. There’s a passage in Invisible Cities, Italo Calvino’s novel in…


How a Stoic Becomes a Saint

Becoming a Saint If you’re familiar with the work of Kurt Vonnegut, you’ll know he had a wonderful knack for crafting beauty out of very simple words. He did this not just in his books, but also when giving talks (this one is my favorite) and recounting conversations. Another source of…