Musonius Rufus—Teacher and Exemplary Stoic

Musonius Rufus, A Stoic Teacher The Stoic philosopher Gaius Musonius Rufus was born between approximately 20–30 AD in Volsinii, Etruria (modern-day Bolsena in Italy). As a teacher in ancient Rome, he instructed well-known philosophers like Epictetus and Dio of Prusa. Musonius’s reputation as an educator led to him being admired…


Here’s What We Are (A Brief Perspective Reset)

Here’s what we are: the most abundant and widespread species of primate. One species among millions of other species that exist on the planet called Earth. Here’s what a species is: a word that our species made up to mean a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable…


A Better Way To Escape Pain

“Wanting to get out of pain is the pain; it is not the “reaction” of an “I” distinct from the pain. When you discover this, the desire to escape “merges” into the pain itself and vanishes.” When I read the above sentences recently in Alan Watts’ book The Wisdom of…


What Are The Circles Of Concern?

This short explainer will provide you with a straightforward understanding of what the circles of concern are and how you can use them to guide your Stoic practice. Definition Of The Circles of Concern The Stoic philosopher Hierocles developed the circles of concern to describe Stoic cosmopolitanism in regard to oikeiôsis.…