Interview With Enda Harte – The Irish Stoic

Enda Harte is student of Stoicism who lives in Ireland and works in the music industry. Under the moniker The Irish Stoic, he writes on Medium and publishes engaging content on social media. It was great to be able to interview Enda recently. His well-informed answers, which you can find…


What Stoicism Is NOT: The School Of Isolation

By Kai Whiting and Allan John When Zeno of Citium founded Stoicism he wasn’t particularly interested in what constituted the ideal Stoic individual but rather what made the ideal Stoic community. We know this because his magnum opus is his Republic – a utopian vision of how wise people (sages)…


How To Deal With Harsh Truths

Home truths. Harsh truths. Strong medicine. Metaphorical invasive surgery. Different terms alluding to the same thing: the category of advice that will make you question your beliefs. The personal stuff that you weren’t quite ready to face. The interruption that doesn’t tap you on the shoulder to get your attention…


What Stoicism Is NOT: The School Of Oatmeal

By Kai Whiting and Allan John The Stoic founder Zeno of Citium held that excellent character must be the guiding light for your interactions with other people and the world around you, exemplified by your adherence to, and enactment of, the four Stoic virtues of courage, justice, self-control and wisdom.…


Exercise: Take A “No Complaining” Challenge

Still you are indignant and complain, and you don’t understand that in all the evils to which you refer, there is really only one – that you are indignant and complain.Seneca, Epistles 96.1 There is so much to complain about. Even aside from big issues like pandemics, lockdowns, injustices, and…


Interview With Kai Whiting – Author Of Being Better

Kai Whiting is a researcher and lecturer in sustainability and Stoicism based at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. With his co-author Leonidas Konstantakos, Kai wrote the excellent book Being Better: Stoicism for a World Worth Living in, which I highly recommend. It was great to be able to interview…