Stoicon-X Women: Practical Paths to Flourishing

Following the success of Stoicon 2020 as an online event, Modern Stoicism have gone on to organise further virtual conferences which have proven just as popular. The Marcus Aurelius birthday anniversary event for example had over 1,850 registered attendees making it their largest Stoicism gathering to date. Another upcoming event…


The Rest Doesn’t Matter

In the interests of doing the right thing, there are times when you can’t ignore a situation. Courage and Justice are two of the four Stoic virtues, after all. They encourage action, despite fear, for the common good. Inaction may even make you complicit in wrongdoing. As Nassim Taleb puts…


Just My Luck

You lose your job. A relationship ends. That thing you had high hopes for falls flat. Something, anything, goes wrong. “Ugh, just my luck.” You wonder, “Why does it always rain on me?”  But wait. If you look around, you’ll see plenty of other people are getting wet too. No,…


Exercise: Learn Something New

It’s a great feeling when you start to see progress. When you’ve been practicing a new skill and you start to get the hang of it, or when you’ve been building something piece by piece and it starts to take shape. It’s a feeling that we too often deprive ourselves…


You’re Fooling Yourself

If I eat this donut, my doctor won’t know. If I do two fewer pushups, my coach won’t know. If I lie to my family just this once, they won’t know. If I skip this self-directed homework, my tutor won’t know. If I slack off while working from home, my…


The Four Cardinal Stoic Virtues

Stoic philosophy is driven by four guiding virtues - wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance. They are the principles that students should seek to practice if they are to exemplify the character of a Stoic. The virtues are thought to be derived from the teachings of the Greek philosopher Plato, who…


How To Refresh And Reset Yourself

It’s all too easy to take on too much. Whether it be work or personal commitments, the more we say yes to, the harder it is to balance everything. We try to multitask, we try to increase our work-rate to get tasks ticked off - we end up getting stressed.…