The Footballer Robbed Of His Dream But Not His Will

For most professional athletes, turning pro is the realisation of a dream. Years of dedication and sacrifice are rewarded when pen hits paper to sign that first contract. For Fabio Quagliarella, however, becoming a professional footballer for Torino in 1999 was only part one of the dream. Part two was…


How Stoicism Changes Lives

To the unfamiliar, the term Stoic Philosophy provides little excitement. It sounds ancient and stale; probably something you don’t read unless you’re an elderly professor wearing a tweed jacket with elbow patches. Ryan Holiday was introduced to Stoicism at the age of 19. Tim Ferriss came across Seneca at around…


The Fisherman And The Businessman

I've seen a few versions of the fisherman and the businessman story; this one is from blog of writer Paulo Coelho. It's superb in its simplicity and the Stoic feel is obvious so it requires no further commentary. Enjoy! There was once a businessman who was sitting by the beach…


Stoic Meditations From Bed

Ah there it is, my alarm clock alerting me to the beginning of another day. The same shrill tone and urgent rhythm normally precedes fire damage which I find symbolic some days. But not today. Not this day that has just begun at 6:00 AM. I’m ready to explode out…


Having Few Wants And Still Offering A Lot

The writer William Zinsser once wrote an article called “The News From Timbuktu” about his trip to the Malian city to witness camel caravans carrying salt across the Sahara. He was thrilled by the sight of forty camels proceeding in unison over the vast desert, but it was another incident…


Anonymous Acts Of Kindness

When was the last time you helped someone without them knowing it was you? Maybe you made an anonymous donation to a JustGiving campaign or returned some lost property and didn’t leave your name. If something similar does come to mind, you should now be feeling that same little buzz…


Simple Stoic Reminders For Daily Life

Daily life can be busy. And it can be worrying. And exciting, anxious and a whole host of other things that distract us from focusing on ourselves and the present moment. Sometimes we need Stoic reminders, because moments of greater perspective aren't always a priority. In the morning, you might…