Be The Master, Not The Puppet

“Music, maestro, please!” With a flourish, the maestro assumes control of the orchestra.  Waving his wand with vigour yet control, he directs his charges. Magically, he draws harmonious sound from the different groups of instruments. The maestro sets the tempo. She synchronizes. She permits entry to the various ensemble members.…


Cleanthes & Deschamps: The Water Carriers

Before a big game between Manchester United and Juventus in 1996, United’s Eric Cantona sparked a row with Juve’s Didier Deschamps.“He gets by because he gives 100%, but he will never be more than a water carrier,” said Cantona. The "water carrier” label, used disparaginly by Cantona in this case,…


A Reminder For You And Me

From time to time, you experience the deflating realisation that you are sick of yourself. You grow weary because familiar sets of circumstances that shouldn’t cause disturbance cause disturbance. Disturbance enough that simple tasks are a burden. Oh, this again - why do you do this to yourself? Negativity then…


Exercise: Review Your Progress

As students of Stoicism, we don't just read about the philosophy and talk about its principles. We seek to practice it in daily life. In doing so, as anyone practicing anything does, we seek to become better. The better we become, the more we feel the benefits that the ancient…


Stoic Week 2020

Stoic Week is an annual event run by the Modern Stoicism team that invites you to ‘live like a Stoic for a week’. It’s a free, seven-day course that has had over 20,000 participants since its inception in 2012. Having never taken part before, I decided 2020 was the year…


10 Ancient Lessons For A Modern Audience

Live Like Louise is a website that aims to help women achieve their health and fitness goals. Created by Louise Thompson of Made In Chelsea, it's perhaps not the audience you might expect to be interested in philosophy. But there's no reason why they shouldn't be, and after hosting an…


The Best Stoicism Books For All Levels

An extensive list of the best Stoicism books along with brief descriptions. Stoicism is a philosophy that dates back over two thousand years. Unfortunately, some of the earliest texts written by the ancient Stoics weren’t preserved long enough for us to read today. But that doesn’t mean there’s a lack…


Interview With Michael McGill, The Stoic CIO

Michael McGill is Chief Information Officer with Medical Service Company and has been in the IT industry for more than 20 years. Rising through the ranks from front-line IT professional to IT leader, he has seen his fair share of change in a fast-moving industry. In response to the everyday…


Why You Need More Than Stoicism

Stoic philosophy? Sounds boring. That was my reaction when I first heard Tim Ferriss talking about it on his podcast. Every few episodes he would mention how some guy Seneca wrote letters to some guy Lucilius 2000 years ago and how the advice he was giving his friend still applies…


Exercise: Find Solitude

Within you there is a stillness and sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself, just as I can. Few people have that capacity and yet everyone could have it.Herman Hesse, Siddhartha When he was still involved in the day-to-day operations of Microsoft, Bill Gates had…