How To Refresh Your Daily Practices

Wake up, drink a glass of water, do ten pushups, brush teeth, take a shower. Journal, meditate, drink a cup of coffee, start work. Have lunch at the usual time, have dinner at the usual time, go to bed at the usual time. While daily practices are great for instilling…


Modern Stoicism

The term "Modern Stoicism" is commonly used to refer to the revival of interest in the 2000-year old Stoic philosophy and the efforts to adjust Ancient Stoicism to the language and framework of the present. The movement continues to gain popularity by making the ancient teachings more accessible and by…


What Am I?

I am a barista. I work in a small coffee shop. From early morning, the smell of freshly ground beans charges the air. The aroma soothes and the caffeine energizes, people relax at tables and others jostle to be served. People really love coffee these days and I love to…


Stoic Solutions For Feelings Of Insecurity

The feeling of insecurity is a constant threat to contentedness. We feel insecure about money, relationships, careers and a whole collection of other things that we believe need to be perfect before we can relax. Some common reasons we might give for feeling insecure are: I don't have enough money…


How To Reclaim Your Innocence

There’s a chapter in Anthony de Mello’s The Way to Love entitled Become Like Children. It outlines how a child can be influenced to lose its innocence and subsequently live a life that is so dependent on externals that they never truly know who they are. This may sound like…


The Best Stoicism Podcasts

If you're an avid podcast listener and a student of the Stoics, you're probably always on the look out for good Stoicism podcasts to plug into. If you're not familiar with them, podcasts are a great way to absorb information when reading isn't convenient. That could be while driving, while…


How To See Through The Clouds

I sometimes get into a cloudy state of mind. Everything feels a bit greyer at these times and certain things don't seem to matter as much. It's usually brief, the clouds pass, but until then it's uncomfortable. The good thing about these periods is that they're a natural indicator that…


Approve Yourself

You’re a genius, fantastic, such an amazing person. That felt good to hear didn’t it? Well, I was lying - you suck, you’re terrible, just awful. That didn’t feel so good, right? Those feelings would probably be even more intense if someone was saying these things to you in person.…