What Stoicism Is NOT: The School Of Oatmeal

By Kai Whiting and Allan John The Stoic founder Zeno of Citium held that excellent character must be the guiding light for your interactions with other people and the world around you, exemplified by your adherence to, and enactment of, the four Stoic virtues of courage, justice, self-control and wisdom.…


Exercise: Take A “No Complaining” Challenge

Still you are indignant and complain, and you don’t understand that in all the evils to which you refer, there is really only one – that you are indignant and complain.Seneca, Epistles 96.1 There is so much to complain about. Even aside from big issues like pandemics, lockdowns, injustices, and…


Interview With Kai Whiting – Author Of Being Better

Kai Whiting is a researcher and lecturer in sustainability and Stoicism based at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. With his co-author Leonidas Konstantakos, Kai wrote the excellent book Being Better: Stoicism for a World Worth Living in, which I highly recommend. It was great to be able to interview…


Stoicon-X Women: Practical Paths to Flourishing

Following the success of Stoicon 2020 as an online event, Modern Stoicism have gone on to organise further virtual conferences which have proven just as popular. The Marcus Aurelius birthday anniversary event for example had over 1,850 registered attendees making it their largest Stoicism gathering to date. Another upcoming event…


The Rest Doesn’t Matter

In the interests of doing the right thing, there are times when you can’t ignore a situation. Courage and Justice are two of the four Stoic virtues, after all. They encourage action, despite fear, for the common good. Inaction may even make you complicit in wrongdoing. As Nassim Taleb puts…